
UDK: 624.042:551.578
DOI: n/a

Published: Građevinar 53 (2001) 6
Paper type: Subject review
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Determination of a typical snow load

Ksenija Zaninović, Marjana Gajić-Čapka, Boris Androić, Ivica Džeba, Darko Dujmović


The study of snow regimen characteristics, conducted in accordance with the European standard for snow load ENV 1991-2-3:1995 and in keeping with meteorological practice, is described. Typical snow load, i.e. load that can be expected once in 50 years, was defined on the basis of information on the water content in snow and on the height of snow cover. Four snow-related climatic zones in Croatia were determined based on analyses of changes registered at various altitudes.

typical snow density, maximum snow height, typical snow load, snow-related climatic zones


Zaninović, K., Gajić-Čapka, M., Androić, B., Džeba, I., Dujmović, D.: Determination of a typical snow load, GRAĐEVINAR, 53 (2001) 6


Zaninović, K., Gajić-Čapka, M., Androić, B., Džeba, I., Dujmović, D. (2001). Determination of a typical snow load, GRAĐEVINAR, 53 (6)

Ksenija Zaninović
Meteorological and Hydrological Service, Zagreb

Marjana Gajić-Čapka
Meteorological and Hydrological Service, Zagreb
Androic WEB
Boris Androić
I.A. projektiranje d.o.o., Zagreb
Croatian Academy of Engineering
Džeba Ivica WEB
Ivica Džeba
University of Zagreb,
Faculty of Civil Engineering
DDujmovic 221112 WEB
Darko Dujmović
Croatian Academy of Technical Sciences